Welcome to Mary Grden's Baywood Gallery at BAYWOODGALLERY.COM I have owned this domain name for twenty years and use it for my Pixels Artist Website, a division of fineartamerica. This is a print-on-demand site where you can purchase Wall Art Prints, Home Decor, Lifestyle and many more items depicting my prints made from my oil painting images. BAYWOODARTGALLERY.COM is where I show and sell my Original Oil Painting, notice the word "Art in the middle to distinguish from my main site here. There I also show more images of each print enlarged to show details of prints sold here.

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MATTHEW 4-19 a Fine Art Print, Personalized Painting by Mary Grden

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Comments (56)

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta


Danett Britt

Danett Britt

So peaceful and calming Mary. Love it

Mary Grden replied:

Danett, thank you for your visit and kind comment, so appreciated!!! :D

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

So lovely!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Johanna, as always so kind!!! :D

James Lloyd

James Lloyd

Amazing talent you have, Mary. Love the verse. L/F

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Lloyd, you are among those great Artist here on FAA Too!!!! :D

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Fantastic art!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Johanna, very much!!!! :D

Jutta Maria Pusl

Jutta Maria Pusl

Very peaceful scene... great work!

Mary Grden replied:

Jutta, your comment is wonderful, thank you!!!! :D

L A Feldstein

L A Feldstein

Love the quiet beauty of this, so peaceful.

Mary Grden replied:

Thank You L A!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you so much Toni!!! :D

Toni Abdnour

Toni Abdnour

Beautiful, enchanting art, Mary! l/f

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Toni!!!!

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas

Gorgeous painting!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you for your generous and kind comment!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Reneta, thank you for the "fave"!!!!

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Georgia, I think the same thing about you, thank you for your comments!!!

Georgia Mizuleva

Georgia Mizuleva

So cool & fabulous.

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you for your kind words Sharon, very much appreciated!!

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Sharon

Sharon Williams Eng

Sharon Williams Eng

So tranquil. Beautiful painting.

Lee Piper

Lee Piper

Great art

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Lucinda!!!

Lucinda Walter

Lucinda Walter

Wanted to add I love the Bible verse that you have to go with this work.

Lucinda Walter

Lucinda Walter

Very beautiful lf

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Anthony for featuring me in your wonderful group, Peoplesess Scenic Landscapes

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Joe!!!

Joe Vella

Joe Vella

Gorgeous piece of work Mary.

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Piper!!

Lee Piper

Lee Piper

Beautiful work

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MATTHEW 4-19 a Fine Art Print, Personalized by Mary Grden
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